South West Area of NAFAS
Registered charity 296900
Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Get in touch
Weston Super Mare Flower Club
St Georges’ Community Centre,
Willow Close,
St Georges,
BS22 7XF

Contact: Lesley Hunt, 1a Ellesmere Road, Weston-super-Mare,
BS23 4UT

Meetings held on 4th Monday in the month 2.30pm
not Aug and Dec

Click to email
Tel: 01934 644098
​Weston Club is 55 years young. Our monthly meetings include demonstrations and talks. We hold practice classes and workshops, organise away days and enthusiastically attend all Area events. We also love to do flowers for your special occasion for a donation to the club. Come and give us a try we would love to see you. Disabled access
April 22nd. Demonstration by Sally Taylor, "Sallying Forth Yet Again"
May 20th. Demonstration by Denise Bright," Magic Moments"
June 24th. Club Trip to St Fagans National Museum of History
July 22nd. Demonstration by Julia Harrison, " Through the Garden Gate"
AUGUST. No Meeting
September 23rd. Demonstration by Selina Denham, "My Family and Other Animals"
October 28th Demonstration by Club Members
November 25th Demonstration by Coral Gardiner, "Country Christmas"
January 27th Demonstration by Kimberley from Kimberley's the Florist, Title TBC
February 24th Demonstration by Germaine Smith, "My Inspirations"
March 25th AGM