South West Area of NAFAS
Registered charity 296900
Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Get in touch
Bradford on Avon Flower Club
Holt Village Hall,
The Street,
BA14 6QH

Contact: Valerie Mead (Secretary)

Meetings held on 1st Thurs (generally a Demonstration) Practise Classes are on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7.30.( Doors open at 7)
There are no meetings, demonstrations, practise classes during January or August.
An Open Meeting is held in November or December (2024 at Cumberwell Park, Bradford-On-Avon on Thursday 7th November) .
Demonstration by Coral Gardiner, "A TREEmendous Christmas" at 7.30pm, doors open at 6.30pm
This is a friendly group of like-minded people that enjoy flowers and plants, meet on the First and Second Thursday of each month, except January (club winter meal)and August (outing) and November (Open Meeting held elsewhere) otherwise at 7.30 p.m. in Holt Village Hall, Hall. BA14 6QH
The year’s schedule is designed to cover as many aspects of Flower Arranging as possible, including Demonstrations and Practise sessions. In addition , a floral quiz and visits to local gardens are also planned. Beginners are especially welcome to join in and will receive lots oh help honing their flower arranging skills at the monthly Practise evenings
Annual Membership for 2024/25 is £60
New members and visitors are always welcome. The fee for visitors is £10 for the evening and includes tea/coffee and cake.
2024/ 25 Programme
5th September. AGM -- 7.00p.m.
12th September. Practise Class, Cake Stand, Pedestal
3rd October 2024 A demonstration by Caroline Cooper entitled "The Language of Flowers"
10th October Practise Class, Pumpkins and Gourds
7th November An OPEN Meeting at Cumberwell, with Coral Gardiner entitled
'A TREEmendous Christmas"
6.30p.m. for demonstration at 7.30 p.m.
Guests Welcome Members £18, Guests £20
Tickets at the door or to book ahead contact Valerie Mead
14th November Practise Class- Designing without Floral Foam
5th December Festive Event- A fresh Look at Christmas Arrangements
16th January.2025 Winter Meal
6th February. A demonstration plus an imposed class
13th February. Practise Class , 'Be Mine'
6th March. A demonstration by Kathryn Delve , 'She Came Late to Tea'
13th March. Practise Class
3rd April. Quiz, Test your floral knowledge! FUN Quiz
10th April. Practise Class, An Easter Basket
1st May A demonstration by Denise Wiley, 'Joys of the Season'
8th May. Practise class,
5th June. Demonstration
12th June Practise Class
3rd July A demonstration by Beverley Clay, 'Out of the Garage'
10th July. Garden Visit
4th September. AGM 7.00 Holt Village Hall
2nd October. A demonstration by Sally Taylor, 'Sallying Forth Yet Again'