South West Area of NAFAS
Registered charity 296900
Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Get in touch
Calne and District Flower Arrangers
Marden House Centre,
The Wharf,
New Road,
SN11 0JJ

Contact: Lorraine Dixon, 4 Bay Close, Calne, Wiltshire SN11 OLL
Phone: 01249 812995
Click to email
Meetings held on 2nd Thursday in the month starting at 7.30pm.
A small friendly club, with 50+ members.
We have good Demonstrators most months, also garden visits.
There is a good mix of ages in our membership.
2020/21 Programme
9th January AGM
13th February Workshop - tba
12th March Selena Denham - my favourite things
9th April Cathryn Brown - 50 shades of colour
14th May Workshop - tba
11th June Kathryn Delve - A walk in the woods
9th July Outing - tba
August No meeting
10th September Melanie Smith - Postcards from France
22nd October Sally Oates Seasonal delights
12th November Lucy Ellis - (awaiting title)
10th December Workshop - wreath making
14th January AGM
11th February Workshop - ta