South West Area of NAFAS
Registered charity 296900
Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Wells Floral Art Club
St Thomas Church Hall,
St Thomas Street,

Meetings held on 2nd Tuesday in the month at 2.15pm (not August) Practice Class held every 4th Tuesday in the month.

Contact: Secretary Jenny Jones on 01749 675988
19h January Demonstrator Melanie Smith, AD, "We're Off To The Dolomites"
23rd January Practice Class
13th February Demonstration by Members, "Anniversaries"
27th February Practice Class
12th March DemonstratorBarbara Clatworthy AD, "Bird of Paradise"
26th March Practice Class
9th April Demonstrator Jenny York AD, "Out of Africa"
23rd April Practice Class
14th May Demonstrator, Leslie Hunt, AD, "Life in Hospitality"
28th May Practice Class
11th June Demonstrator Angie Blackwell from Cottage Flowers, "
25th June Practice Class
9th July Demonstrator Tracy Rowbottom, "Trends, Inspiration and Design"
23th July Practice Class
August No Meeting
10th September Pam Lewis ND, "Autumn Opulence"
24th September Practice Class
8th October Demonstrator Kathryn Delve, "A touch of Spry"
22nd October Practice Class
12th November OPEN EVENING at Wells Town Hall, Alison Penny, ND "Winter Moments"
26th November AGM - followed by Tea
3rd December - Christmas Lunch