South West Area of NAFAS
Registered charity 296900
Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Get in touch
Chew Valley Flower Decoration Society
Compton Martin Village Hall,
Compton Martin,
BS40 6JW

Contact: Coral Gardiner(Chairman)
07759310230, 01761472560

Meetings held on 1st Monday in the month - 7.30 Demonstration
3rd Monday in the month - Practice Class

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A flourishing club, founded in 1967.
Average membership is 30, serving all levels of ability.
Some members have served at area level and some have distinguished themselves in Competition work and Festivals.
The club aims to provide an environment offering fun, friendship and personal pleasure in flower arranging for each member.
Dairy of Events 2024
22nd January AGM at Manor Farm
5th February. Demonstration by Coral Gardiner ,'Natures Winter Pallet',
19th February. Practise Class ,Outside the Box,
4th March. Demonstration by Graham King ,'Inspirational',
18th March. Practise class with Janet Warden, 'Winter into Spring'
1st April. Easter Monday
15th April. Day Workshop, Julia Harrison, Title TBA
6th May. Bank Holiday
20th May. Practise Class
3rd June. Demonstration by Selena Denham 'My Favourite Things'
17th June. Practise Class
1st July. Demonstration by Ellie North, 'Let's Celebrate'
15th July Practise Class
2nd September. Demonstration by Denise Bright, 'A Few of my Favourite Things'
16th September. Practise Class with Janet Warden, 'Mellow Fruitfulness'
7th October. Demonstration by Cath Brown, 'A Flower Prescription'
21st October. Practise Class
4th November. Open Demonstration by Arnold Metairie 'Festive Floral Fantasy'
18th November. Practise Class, Make a wreath
2nd December. AGM