South West Area of NAFAS
Registered charity 296900
Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Get in touch
Henleaze & District Flower Club
Bradbury Hall,
Waterford Road,

Contact: Jenny York
Tel: 07880 700270

Meetings held on 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at 2pm

Our club was formed in 1981 by a small group of flower arrangers.
We now have around 70 members of varying ages and are a very friendly, happy group who enjoy watching demonstrations of floral art as well as practicing our own skills.
On the second Thursday of the month we have demonstrations, outings, talks with plants for sale, bi annial competitions, informal lunches and xmas lunch. On the 4th Thursday of the month we have a practice meeting with a qualified teacher (see programme below)
Visitors and new members are always welcome.
2024 Programme
Demonstrations unless otherwise specified. These events start at 2pm
11th January Demonstration by Kathryn Delve, 'She Came Late For Tea'
8th February Demonstration by Poppy Gardner, ' Flowers by Name and Nature'
14th March Demonstration by Jo Richards, ' Spring is Here'
11th April Demonstration by Julia Harrison, 'Through the Garden Gate'
9th May Demonstration by Nick Grounds, ' Stems and Stuff'
13th June Demonstration by Germaine Smith, 'Wood 'n' Things'
11th July Demonstration by Beverley Clay, ' It's Summer Again'
12th September Demonstration by Dean Sharpe, ' Summer Fun'
10th October Demonstration by Michael Bowyer,' Colours of Autumn'
14th Nov Demonstration by Coral Gardiner, ' Tree - mendous Christmas'