South West Area of NAFAS
Registered charity 296900
Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Get in touch
Bridgwater Flower Club
The New Hall,
Westfield Church
West Street
TA6 7HD.
(The hall is opposite St Matthews Fair Field)

Contact: Mrs Sheila Bailey
2 Brantwood Road
Bridgwater TA6 7PA
Tel: 01278 434073

Meetings held on 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm in the New Hall
Westfield Church, unless stated otherwise. Doors open at 7.00pm.
There is excitement with the Club, as next year sees the Bridgwater Flower Club celebrating its Platinum Anniversary. Yes, 70 years of friendship, made through the love of flowers and arranging them.
Plans for marking this wonderful achievement are under way to celebrate all those past and present members who, through their sterling efforts have allowed this club to reach this amazing achievement.
We extend a warm welcome to new members and visitors, where they are able to enjoy an evening watching flowers being expertly arranged and interact with the demonstrators.
We offer a varied programme for the year and an annual social event. Entrance fee for visitors is £7.00 per visit.
We also offer 'Hands on with Flowers', workshops suitable for all, starting on 16th April and led by our user friendly club chairman and Vice Chair
12th March. AGM
9th April. Gretchen White, 'Spring Celebration'
14th May. Nicky Heale, Willow Workshop
11th June. Julia Harrison, 'Through the Garden Gate'
9th July. Cath Brown, '70 and Fabulous'
13th August. Lesley Hunt and Ann Manley, ' Our time in Hospitality'
10th September. Germaine Smith, 'Wood 'n' Things'
8th October. Sally Taylor, ' Sallying Forth Yet Again"
Thursday 21st November. OPEN NIGHT Emily Broomhead, National Demonstrator, 'Star Spangled' Ticket Event
12th December. Club Social
Christmas with Friends
11th March AGM