South West Area of NAFAS
Registered charity 296900
Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Get in touch
Saltford and Keynsham Flower Club
Saltford Hall,
Wedmore Road,
BS31 3BY
Meetings held on 4th Tuesday in the month, except December.
Demonstrations start at 2:15pm and Practice Classes start at 2:00pm
​Contact: Val Purkis
Click to email
Website: www.saltfordfloralclub.com
Tel: 07931103387
Saltford Floral Club was formed in 1961. We are a very friendly Club with 36+ members. We meet for Demonstrations and Practice Classes in alternative months. We use Saltford Golf Club to host our AGM in January and a Members Day lunch in August.
Our website with all our event details can be found at: www.saltfordfloralclub.com
2024 Programme
January 23rd - AGM at Saltford Golf Club start 12:30. 2 course meal followed by our AGM.: Two Course meal followed by our AGM. Silent Auction and Competition is " An Arrangement With a Bottle"
February 27th - Demonstration by Caroline Cooper, "In a previous life"
March 26th - Workshop, Easter Arrangement using pliable twigs
April 23rd - Demonstration by Jenny York,"Out of Africa"
May 28th - Practise Meeting
June 25th - Demonstration by Elizabeth Witcom, " On the Spot"
July 23rd - Outing to Milton Lodge Gardens
August 27th - Members' Day Afternoon Tea Party in Christine's garden.
September 24th - Demonstration by Selena Denham, "My Family and Other Animals"
October 22nd - Workshop making Rustic Christmas Trees, Stars etc
November 26th- Christmas Demonstration by Denise Bright, "Sparkle and Shine"
January 28th AGM