South West Area of NAFAS
Registered charity 296900
Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Get in touch
Farmborough & District Floral Art Group
Conygre Hall
North Road
Meetings held on 2nd Monday in the month at 7.30pm (not August)
Contact: Mrs Elizabeth Bence Tel: 01761 471317
email sallyr.paulton@sky.com
We are a group of people of varying ages who enjoy flowers, friendship and fun. We meet the 2nd Monday of the month, bar August, at the Conygre Hall , Timsbury at 7.30 p.m.
Our meetings are a mix of floral demonstrations, where you sit and watch the demonstrator create beautiful arrangements for you to have the chance of winning in the draw. Some months we will provide you with everything you need to make your own arrangement, helping you step by step. American suppers are popular as are days out visiting large gardens.
We hold separate evenings for our practise classes, helping both beginners and the more advanced flower arranger.
Come along to one of our demonstration evenings, you will receive a warm welcome.
Annual membership is only £35 or you can pay £6 per visit.
2025 Programme
13th Jan No Meeting
10th Feb Valentines Evening Valentine Supper, Fleur White ,'Hands On'
10th Mar Demonstration by Katherine Kear, 'White Knights'
14th Apr Demonstration by Emily Broomhead, ' Spring is in the Air'
19th May OPEN MEETING 2.00 pm Nick Grounds 'Floral Frolics'
9th Jun Demonstration by Cath Brown, 'A flower Prescription'
14th July Demonstration by Caroline Cooper , ' The Language of Flowers'
8th Sept Demonstration by Jo Richards, 'What Nature Provides'
13th Oct Workshop by Sally Taylor, ' Watch and make hand tied
27th October. OPEN MEETING Arnaud Metairie 'Festive Floral Fantasy" 7.30
17th November. AGM
1st Dec Christmas party, midday

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